WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board

WW2 Kriegsmarine Oberbootsmann (Chief Petty Officer) Shoulder Board

The Kriegsmarine's most famous ships were the U-boats, most of which were constructed after Plan Z was abandoned at the beginning of World War II. Wolfpacks were rapidly assembled groups of submarines which attacked British convoys during the first half of the Battle of the Atlantic but this tactic was largely abandoned in the second half of the war. Along with the U-boats, surface commerce raiders (including auxiliary cruisers) were used to disrupt Allied shipping in the early years of the war, the most famous of these being the heavy cruisers Admiral Graf Spee and Admiral Scheer and the battleship Bismarck. However, the adoption of convoy escorts, especially in the Atlantic, greatly reduced the effectiveness of commerce raiders against convoys.

After the Second World War, the Kriegsmarine's remaining ships were divided up amongst the Allied powers and were used for various purposes including minesweeping. **Shown with an anchor button for illustrative purposes only, not including button

Code: 19795

85.00 GBP